Strain Library

Explore indoor-grown cannabis strains cultivated by California Artisanal Medicine.

Indica Hybrid Flower


Dosido X Triangle OG 91

A heavy hitter with fast footwork, TKO matches the mental reset of Dosido with the unbridled relaxation of Triangle OG 91 to create a punch combination more explosive than round seven of Holyfield VS Foreman. 

These buds grow heavy and round with a light green color and a slightly musty smell. Don’t be embarrassed to bring it to the party if your friends only smoke purple. The inside is a deep shade of violet that resembles a two-day-old bruise and smells like a combination of action figure plastic and grandma’s house. You catch sour fruit and sweet floral notes on the grind underneath acrid overtones.

The unlit flavor of this strain has a mild herbal taste with a bit of anise and some of that fermented fruit appearing at the end. After you get it lit, the smoke is rich with a bit of effervescence on the back. A strong blast takes your breath away and shows you the start of the flavor trail. TKO’s taste develops from rich and herbal to more sour and fruity on the exhale. You’ll also find some coffee and cocoa powder notes as you get near the end, especially if you re-light the joint. 

TKO hits like a tortilla slap to the face. This hybrid flower doesn’t put you out, but it will make you forget everything you were in the middle of doing. The effect is what makes this strain such a technical knockout. After smoking TKO, your face won’t be hitting the mat, but you’ll find your arms didn’t even remember to put on gloves, and you’ve forgotten how to punch. The perfect strain to leave it all behind like a kitten in a field of butterflies.